Audrey Hepburn

Audrey played Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady in 1964. Julie Andrews had successfully played the part on Broadway, but it was the then 35-year-old 'non-singer' Hepburn that won the role.


Available now as an ebook!

Jessica Bailey

At a time when Hollywood was devoted to its screen sirens with their luscious curves and pouting lips, Audrey Hepburn was just that little bit different. Her contemporaries such as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor were much more robust in their appearance and oozed sex appeal both on set and off.

Hepburn, by 1950s’ standards, was far too lanky and skinny and perhaps appeared a bit too fragile. However, she brought a sophistication that was quite unlike anything that had gone before. Tall and slim with large feet, Hepburn brought a refreshing beauty to the world of stardom and glamour. Her style was simple yet elegant and is still as much revered in the fashion of the 21st Century as it was in her heyday.

This book celebrates the story of a young girl who quickly rose to fame with her impressive film career and beautiful grace. Her personal life, humanitarian work and her impact on fashion today as a true style icon is also explored for this revered Hollywood legend.

Available for purchase on the below links:


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