D-Day and the Normandy Invasion

This is the scene along a section of Omaha Beach in June 1944, during Operation Overlord. Landing crafts put troops and supplies on shore at Omaha, one of five landing beaches.

Available now as an ebook from all major ebook stores.

It was one of the most momentous campaigns of World War II – both an epic confrontation between huge armed forces, and a life-or-death struggle between individual men, played out amid some of the most bitter fighting of the conflict. Leaders of the collected free world joined forces and agreed that a French invasion was to take place in the summer of 1944.

The task in hand was a huge undertaking and required military precision planning and coordination of all the Allied forces involved. The battle ahead needed the best men and leadership brains that was available, notably General Eisenhower (US), General Patton (US) and General Montgomery (UK).

This publication evokes the gripping drama of the D-Day landings and the pivotal battle for Normandy. This comprehensive and superbly-illustrated publication vividly chronicles the campaign, revealing the passage of the battles as they unfolded at the time, with gripping descriptions of the key elements of the fighting. Packed with detail, insight, and photographs, the set conveys war at sea, on the beaches, in the air, and the killing fields of northern France – its outcome playing a major part in the shaping of world history.

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